Elaine Legacy Center Updates

8th Principle News and Updates – ELAINE LEGACY CENTER
We received a personal update from the Rev. Dr. Mary Olson, UMC Minister and
leader with the Elaine Legacy Center. We are excited to share her enthusiastic and
informative response and updates:

Rich Roy
Member 8th Principle Working Group
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“Hi.  I am determined by April I’ll have a monthly update organized for all our
supporters.  Thanks for checking.  
“The museum roof on Main Street should be on this spring.  The price increased
unexpectedly because we did not have the money immediately.  However, we are
increasing our work from our temporary site of the museum at 313 College Avenue. 
James White is director of the museum and working on 1) signage in the area of the
massacre, 2) an audio walking/self-directed tour, 3) increasing tourism, and 4)
scheduling tours.  He is also working on exhibits.  We were all set to apply for exhibit
funding for the all black, now gone, city of Ferguson south of Elaine – the day the
Humanities Arkansas Council website was pulled by President Trump/Federal executive
order.  The grants due then were not restored although the website is back up.  It
reminds us of how tenuous everything is right now.    
“We are working with the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America
(TIAA) staff and feel we are making great progress.  We have an agreement that public
information will be sent out when agreed on by ELC and TIAA team members.  So at
the moment we are not generating support from TIAA investors because it appears
TIAA and our aims are in agreement.  We are hopeful.  It is amazing to me that major
media sources say farmers will make more money doing organic farming than they do
with chemical/pesticide/fertilizer farming.  It is a myth that organic farming is small,
manual, expensive, and low income producing.  We have hopes of transforming the
entire Delta.  Waltons are in sync with us in a report they funded that was first called
“The New California” – meaning the Arkansas Delta.    
“The knowledge of higher profits with organic poses a huge problem in the Delta
because all farm subsidies are for chemical/pesticide grown crops like cotton,
soybeans, rice.  Nothing for organic – hopefully, subsidies aren’t necessary but as long
as pesticide/chemical grown crops receive huge payments it will be hard to change it. 
But it will happen.  Our Bozeman heads this so it could be changed with Arkansas
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