The governance of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock is made up of a Board of Directors and Committees, a Program Council with Teams for different functional areas, the church staff (Minister, Director of Religious Education, Music Director, Administrator) and the voting Members. These governance entities work under the church Constitution (See Library)

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Disbursing Officer, Immediate Past President, four Members at Large, and the Settled Minister (who does not vote). The President serves three years on the Board; one as President-Elect, one as President and one as Immediate Past President. All other officers are elected for a term of one-year. All Members at Large are two-year terms, with two (2) members elected in even numbered years and two (2) members elected in odd numbered years.


Any person shall be a member of the Church with full voting privileges who has signed the official Membership Book, who is 16 years of age or older, and who has signed and remitted to the Church a pledge form for the current fiscal year, or belongs to a household which has filed such a form. Any person desiring to be a member who cannot make a financial contribution due to his or her economic circumstances shall qualify for voting privileges by stating in writing on his or her pledge form the circumstances of said hardship, provided that the other requirements of membership are met.

Voting Members of the church approve the acquisition or disposal of real property of the Church; authorize disbursements of the principal of the Endowment Fund; approve the annual budget (except that the Board of Directors may subsequently reallocate funds within the approved budget if necessary); commit the Church to a public position or action on a controversial issue; amend the Article of Incorporation or the Bylaws; and call or dismiss a minister.


Church meetings are open to all members and friends of the Church, except that all voting on business matters shall be done by voting Members of the Church as defined in the Constitution. Church meetings include worship services, a business meeting held for the purpose of electing officers or approving the annual Church budget, and any special business meetings. Annual or special business meetings include any meeting which involves consideration of personnel, budget, property, or other policy matters by the congregation.

Minister and Staff

The minister is responsible for the conduct of worship within the Church and for the Church’s spiritual interests and affairs. The minister has freedom of the pulpit as well as freedom to express his or her opinions outside the pulpit. The minister is an ex officio member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee without vote. Staff members consist of the Director of Religious Education, the Music Director and the Administrator.


Standing committees consist of the Endowment Fund Committee, Executive Committee, Finance and Stewardship Committee, Memorial Woodlands Committee, and Nominating and Leadership Committee.  The Strategic Planning Committee is on hiatus. Ad Hoc committees are formed from time-to-time to fulfill specific tasks, not to last more than two years.

Ministry Teams

The Ministry Teams are: Communications Team, Facilities Team, Faith in Action Team, Fellowship Team, Lifespan Religious Education and Worship Arts Team. Teams support the programs and activities under their areas of responsibility. Each team’s primary staff facilitator is responsible for setting the vision and carrying out the tasks and programs for each ministry team, shared with the team’s volunteers. Each team has a liaison for the Program Council and they work collaboratively with staff to guide each ministry team.

Program Council

The Program Council is composed of one liaison from each of the Ministry Teams. These liaisons work in a collaborative relationship with a designated staff member, who facilitates the work of each ministry team. The Program Council is chaired by the President-Elect.