Our Minister and Staff
To contact our staff, go to our Contacts page.
Rev. Paul Beedle
For the last ten years Rev. Paul has served First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans. Before that, he served congregations in Houston,Texas, and Santa Barbara (interim), Pasadena (interim), Riverside, and Sacramento (interim), California. In some of those places he also served as an on-call chaplain at local hospitals. He was trained in spiritual direction at the FinD program of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. His seminary training was at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and his parish internship was at West Shore UU Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Rev. Paul was ordained in 1999.

Stephanie Judkins, Director of Religious Education
Stephanie “Farmer Fin” Judkins is our new DRE. She is multi-talented and enthusiastic in everything she does.
In her other life, she runs a small farm in Perry, Arkansas, and loves her goats, pigs and other animals