Talents Survey
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Become a volunteer and share your talents!
REConnections—Sundays at 10:00am This gathering is for those in their 20s to 40s who are looking to connect with like-minded peers. Each week attendees engage in open discussion about current events and life’s persistentquestions. The class is currently meeting in the Pehrson Room in the RE wing. REConnection members meet with the Forum group on … Continue reading REConnections Group
Between the Lines attendees meet in person at the church in the Pehrson Room on the first Monday of each month. If you are interested in joining the discussion or have questions, contact Mindy Morrell: (501) 951-7773 or mindymorrell@hotmail.com Schedule: 8-5-24 Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt 9-3-24 The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb10-7-24 … Continue reading Between the Lines Book Club
Stephens Elementary School Food Pantry – Every Friday at 9:30am. Contact Nell Matthews at uuclrnell@gmail.com The Van – Members volunteer at the Van warehouse in SW Little Rock to sort and arrange clothing donations. Contact Cas Rifkin – casrifkin12@gmail.com Our House Monthly Meal – Volunteers cook, deliver and serve a monthly meal at the Our … Continue reading Faith in Action Opportunities
“Division of Labor”— Rev. Paul Beedle What (and for whom) do we work? And how do we divide our labor and our time?
What (and for whom) do we work? And how do we divide our labor and our time?