New to UUCLR? Exploring UU is for You!

Exploring UU, to be held March 9th, 2025  is a class designed to learn about the Unitarian Universalist faith and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock.  It is an important class for someone who has just attended services a few times, people on the path to membership, or new members that might not have been able to attend before becoming members.  If you are feeling you might have found your spiritual home here or are just inquisitive about our faith, we hope that you will attend and meet new friends, have your questions answered by Rev. Paul, and learn more about us.  The class will be led by Lisa Brents and Rev. Paul Beedle.

The class will take place at 12:30 in the Pehrson Room in the RE wing following the vegetarian potluck.  Please let us know by March 4th if you will attend or by March 2nd if you need childcare. The class will last about two 2 hours. Please register HERE by or in the Goolsby Foyer.  

Questions?  Contact Cas Rifkin 501-454-3814

We hope to see you there!