Sunday Sermon January 19, 2025
Martin Luther King Sunday Rev. Paul and the Worship Arts Team reflect on the conjunction of the Martin Luther King holiday and Inauguration Day.
Martin Luther King Sunday Rev. Paul and the Worship Arts Team reflect on the conjunction of the Martin Luther King holiday and Inauguration Day.
“The Education of Theodore Clapp” – Rev. Paul Beedle The career of the Rev. Theodore Clapp illustrates how it’s sometimes hard to see how the arc of the universe bends toward justice, or even to see clearly what justice looks like.
“What Are Worship Arts?” — Rev. Paul reflects on methods for collective spiritual practice.
“The Spirit Moving” — Our lives and society are ever in motion; how does the spiritkeep up?
“Division of Labor” — What (and for whom) do we work? And how do we divide our labor and our time?
“No Place Like Home” — Be it ever so humble, the American household is humbler today, and increasingly humbled. What shall we do about it?
“Sexuality and Spirituality” — Rev. Paul Beedle | Rev. Paul reflects on Rabbi Steven Greenberg’s Wrestling With God & Men.
“Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man” — Rev. Paul Beedle | For Fathers Day Rev. Paul offered a memoir of his father.
“Listening for Justice” — Rev. Paul Beedle Rev. Paul will share his thoughts about how sometimes the quest for social justice requires deep listening beyond words.
“The 3 C’s of Shared Ministry” — Rev. Paul Beedle On Annual Meeting Sunday, a primer on the key skills of congregational life and mission.