Sunday Sermon February 18, 2024
“Not for Ourselves Alone”—Rev. Paul Beedle“As our pledge drive begins, a reminder that we support ourchurch for ourselves, our neighbors, and future generations.”
“Not for Ourselves Alone”—Rev. Paul Beedle“As our pledge drive begins, a reminder that we support ourchurch for ourselves, our neighbors, and future generations.”
Rev. Paul Beedle–“A Medieval Love Song” During the Middle Ages, Christian mystics interpreted a short passage from The Song of Songs in a big way; their insights are still relevant for spiritual practice today.
“Courage in a Complex World” – Rev. Paul BeedleWe might think we prefer a simple life, but that is not what our complex world offers. Rev. Paul reflects on the power of love to avert chaos.
“White. Wait, What?” – Rev. Paul Beedle Rev. Paul and members of the White Fragility class reflect on the meaning of white identity and its role in making justice and injustice.
“Voice Still and Small” –Rev. Paul BeedleRev. Paul reflects on this selection from our grey hymnal (#391) and its inspiration, the story of Elijah and the “still small voice.”
“How to Make Peace” — Rev. Paul Beedle The Soul Matters theme for December is “mystery.” When James Longstreet – Lee’s corps commander in the Army of Northern Virginia – came to New Orleans after the Civil War, it was evident that ending war and making peace are two different things. Rev. Paul reflects on … Continue reading Sunday Sermon December 3, 2023
“How To End War” — Rev. Paul Beedle The Soul Matters theme for November is “generosity,” and generosity was a key – along with respect and courtesy – to ending the American Civil War. We’ll reflect on the true story of Lee’s surrender.
“Some Folks”–Rev. Paul Beedle We don’t think of Stephen Foster as a social justice activist today, but some of his contemporaries did. Rev. Paul reflects on his context and personal journey.
“Trouble Water” — Rev. Paul Beedle Conflict is ever-present in human communities, and as it seems these days to be escalating in so many places near and far, it feels like a good time to reflect on conflict and put it in a perspective that and put it in a perspective that might help us … Continue reading Sunday Sermon November 5, 2023
“What Finally Matters”Blessing of the Animals Service–Rev. Paul Beedle We brought our beloved animal companion(s) to church to be loved on and blessed.