Talents Survey

Become a volunteer and share your talents!

Step 1 of 3

Children's Religious Exploration

Childrens Religious Exploration serves the children and families of UUCLR and works under the guidance of our Director of Religious Education (DRE), Stephanie Judkins (Farmer Fin). Everyone who works with our children is required to pass a background check. This team is “everything about children and youth”. Tasks of this committee might include: • serving on the RE committee and supporting the DRE with planning • teaching class on Sunday mornings weekly or biweekly • assisting on playground or nursery • assist with arts and crafts or special events for children
You can contact DRE Stephanie Judkins directly or she will be happy to contact you farmerfin@icloud.com or 501-800-6303

Worship Arts Team

The Worship Arts Team (WAT) works closely with the minister to create our Sunday morning services. The committee meets for 1 hour each month to plan for upcoming services. Tasks on WAT might include: • Recruiting chalice lighters • Serve as a pulpit assistant • Setting up the chalice table for services • Coordinating flower arrangements for Sunday services • Planning and/or leading monthly services when Rev. Paul is not in the pulpit • Helping with our special ILLUUMINATION event
Please contact Laurie Smith Prud’homme or she is happy to get in touch with you. Contact Laurie Smith Prud’homme at laurieprudhomme@icloud.com or 501-773-1559

Adult Religious Education

This committee is charged with developing ideas for adult classes including things like our monthly “Forum” offering at 10am each Sunday, Book club offerings, and other special events designed for furthering adult education.
Please contact Joe Meehan or Joe is happy to reach out to you joesmeehan@sbcglobal.net or 501-663-2929


The Membership team helps people transition from visitors to members while also enriching current members’ experiences in the congregation. Here are some ways you can help this team: • Serve on the Membership Team which meets1x a month for 1 hour in early evening. • Serve as an occasional greeter • Serve on special events crew • Serve as a “fairy godparent” occasionally for Parents Night Out and help plan events for families • Make follow-up phone calls, texts, or emails to visitors
Please reach out to Cas Rifkin or indicate your interest and she will contact you. Cas Rifkin via email or text: casrifkin12@gmail.com or 501-454-3814